Covid 19 Safety: It is impossible to predict what will happen with Covid 19 during the Fall League Season and the guidelines that will be enforced state wide and within buildings, etc..... With that said, everyone is responsible for themselves and their health so please be courteous to others and try your best to play your part.  All league players assume responsibility to play league at their own risk during Covid 19 and may not hold the league responsible for any health issues that may or may not be related to Covid 19. 

Some ways we can all stay safe is bring your own chalk, wash your hands regularly when at pool leagues, use your own sticks, do not shake hands (a courtesy wave and acknowledgement), bring hand sanitizer, wear a mask.  Using these practices will help us stay safe and healthy while enjoying the sport we love!  


The WPBA was founded in 1969 by local Waukesha Pool enthusiasts. The league was originally comprised of 5 person teams, but transitioned to 4 person teams in 1986 and remains in that format today. League play consists of a 16 game match, with each player shooting one game per night against 4 different opponents for a total of four games per player/per night. The WPBA offers league play on Monday and Wednesday night beginning at 7:00PM. The WPBA is a traveling league and teams can expect to play approximately half of their matches at their home tavern and half at opposing team taverns. New teams are always welcome to join the league, and must sign up for league play at a local Waukesha area tavern that agrees to sponsor their team. Sign up sheets are available from local Waukesha area taverns beginning in August. The WPBA League year runs from September through March, and culminates in a city wide tournament in March/April to determine champions in three divisions. These divisions are based on league performance during the year.